Bob fixed the toilet like the master plumber I know he is. So we spent and extra day in Fairport which actually worked out just fine. Karen and Hugh caught up with us and we had a delicious dinner out together at a great Irish pub (Donnelly’s).
The next morning we took off for Baldwinsville – this was a 49 nautical mile trip (multiply times 1.181 to get statute/road miles) and we wanted to get there early enough to have dinner with the Browns and Ashpis/Dormans, who were returning home from their trip to Montreal. It was a long day but the canal scenery did not disappoint. At one point we almost took a wrong turn – but after checking with the charts we did a 180 and got back on course. Scenery includes a mixture of agriculture (lots of corn), wildlife (blue herons and cows), beautiful large homes with elaborate landscaping, and summer shacks with dilapidated docks.

I don’t feel like reading as we travel because I don’t want to miss something along the way. For example – one of the docks had a female manikin sitting out on a lounge chair. A 49 mile stretch takes about 9 hours. We made good time and got to Baldwinsville around 5:30 - a bit earlier than we anticipated. The docking situation is great with electric and water alongside the wall at lock 24. Karen and Hugh got there first as they can go a bit faster and still keep the engine at low RPMs - and were there to catch our lines as we docked.
I must admit I was concerned about the bathroom situation in Baldwin as Skipper Bob mentioned porta potties next to the dock. But my hat is off to Baldwinsville. They have the nicest porta potties I have ever used. Small rug and sache’ make it almost homey and certainly sweet smelling – did I really say that????

We met everyone (Brown/Dorman/Ashpis) at Sals’ Pizza and Restaurant, a local spot that was quite good, and had a great dinner and great conversation. They came back to the boat to see the lock and where we were tied up. So glad to see friends – a bit sad to say goodbye knowing that we will not be seeing them for a while, although we will be talking.