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We filled up the water tank and left Hope Town around 9:30 am on Friday (1.19.2018) after 5 days on the mooring ball. The next stop was Lynyard Cay where we anchored for the night because it was a good departure point for Eleuthera and Spanish Wells. It was a three hour sail – and sail we did. It has been wonderful to be able to sail as much as we have since we came to the Bahamas. Lynyard was a pleasant surprise. Nice anchorage albeit a bit rolly in the middle of the night. Many of us dinghied or in our case kayaked over to the beach and spent a good hour looking for shells and sea glass on the Atlantic side of the Island. There was a picnic table and the remains of a campsite that marked where the trail was over to the Atlantic side.

Unfortunately, parts of the beach had lots of plastic garbage that had been washed up along the shore. This trip has made me very aware of the fact that recycling is essential if we are going to preserve our environment.

Early the next morning (6:30 am), we left for Eleuthera. Ten-thirteen boats left within an hour of each other. It felt like we were part of a flotilla. At the start, we were in the front of the pack but as time went on we were passed by the larger boats. It is amazing to us that most of the boats we are encountering along the way are 40-45 feet. We are among the smallest – Her Diamond still feels like a palace to me, warm and cozy.

The ocean was nearly three miles deep at some spots and our depth sounder couldn’t pick up a reading. Leaving Lynyard was very bumpy as we left the safety of the Sea of Abaco. Once we were on the ocean for a while and the water got deeper, it settled a bit, but it wasn’t really a smooth ride until we were much closer to Eleuthera. The sailing – beam reach the entire way – was amazing.

We anchored at Royal Island in a natural anchorage with protection nearly 360 degrees. There were about 15 boats inside and there was still room for more. I was needlessly concerned about there being enough room even though we were among the last to arrive. We got anchored at 4:00 pm, had a beer and enjoyed the peace and quiet. Even though we sailed the entire trip and did not have the engine noise, the the wind and water rushing around the boat and under the dinghy is very loud.

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