How can it be that I have not posted an entry for the last almost three weeks??? The time has absolutely flown by.
We had one peaceful night at anchor along the ICW on our way from Naples. The spot we chose ahead of time was full of fish traps so we anchored along the edge of the ICW channel – it was quiet and the anchor held without issue.
We arrived at Burnt Store around noon and easily found our dock – soon to be home for longer than we have stayed anywhere over the last eight months. We got tied up at the fixed dock and had a lovely dinner at the marina restaurant with David, Rhonda and their visiting friend and old neighbor Brian. It was wonderful to be sitting with family!

Allenicks going back to their house after dinner at Cass Cay at the marina.
The next three days were very full cleaning the boat, doing laundry and grocery shopping. We had David, Rhonda and Brian for a spaghetti dinner on the boat and went to a nearby church to hear the Purdue Men’s Glee Club. Then early Wednesday morning I left for Cleveland to visit family and prepare taxes.

A Burnt Store local
A week is not really enough time to see everyone in any kind of relaxed way, but I made the most of it. Evenings were mostly spent with Bubby, watching TV or sharing pictures from the trip. I got to see Karen’s new office and I am very proud of Karen and how she has progressed in her profession. I had the pleasure of meeting Brian's dad and stepmom - very nice people. An added bonus was seeing our new grand-puppy Honey Bear – and she is a honey! If I didn’t see you – please forgive me. I look forward to June when both Bob and I can see everyone.

Honey bear - what a face
While I was gone, Bob made progress on his never ending task list for the boat. Projects completed include:
Replacing the breaker on the generator which had given us problems at Warderick Wells
Cleaning the bottom of the dinghy and replacing the bent dinghy tow attachments
Dinghy before
Bill Palliser helping with the cleaning
Clean and protected
Installing a WIFI booster – this will make staying in contact while cruising much easier
Servicing the two large self tailing winches – enough of the squeaking J
Installing a keel guard on the dinghy bottom and Her Diamond’s bow – this protects the dinghy when we pull it up on a sandy shore and will protect the bow of the boat from a swinging anchor or if we come in to a dock too quickly (rarely happens)
Replace existing breaker with larger one for the toilet circuit – this also powers the new deck wash pump.
Not a small list. A big thank you to our dear friend Bill Palliser who came down from Sarasota to help Bob with projects.
David and Rhonda’s kids Rachel and Brian, Brian’s girlfriend Melissa and grandson Brady are now here visiting. It is wonderful to get to spend some time with them.
Since this is the first time we are in one place for a period of time, we have time to pay bills, make phone calls and start to organize for coming back to Cleveland for the summer.There are logistic challenges we are trying to work out.Such as:
Need a car for six months and would rather not buy one.Rental rates for a short-term are very expensive so we are looking at alternatives. One that has been suggested is to find someone who wants out of the last months of a lease and sublease.I am going to post something on face book.
Finding somewhere to live since our house does not become available to us until August 1.Although we have great friends that have offered us a room, we really need a place to call our own.So, while I was home I rented an efficiency apartment at The Hamptons.I had to talk my way into getting a two month lease as most places will only rent for three months minimum.
Karen and her boyfriend Brian are coming to visit in April and are driving our car down.So, we will have our car to help with the decommissioning of the boat and we will pull a U-Haul trailer to get our things back to Cleveland for the summer.The boat is staying in Florida but we will be bringing the kayak back so we have some way to be on the water (we have also had invitations from multiple boating friends to join them).We have to buy a rack for the car to transport the kayak and find a spot to keep it in Cleveland.Deciding what to bring home is also a new concept for us.
Bob and I are very familiar with “winterizing” the boat.“Summerizing” is a whole new game.We bought a dehumidifier that we will keep going all summer long, to prevent mold from forming during the hot humid Florida summer.We are asking boat owners we meet what else they do to protect their boats while they are on the hard (out of the water).
I have to learn how to take it slow from the many manatees that are swimming in the marina.
In the meantime, we are enjoying our days at Burnt Store. We are riding the bikes everywhere and I am trying to get used to the slower pace. Passover, one of my favorite holidays usually observed with family in our dining room, is going to be very different this year. The Friedmans will be spread all over. Thank you to the Garsons for hosting Karen and Brian. We will be with Bob’s cousins Debbie and Brian in Tampa. Happy Passover to all our family and friends. We miss you.