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A New Year and A New Adventure


We have finally left Burnt Store – I say this with a touch of sadness as we had a wonderful time and met some extraordinary people during our almost one month stay. We stayed longer than expected because we thought we had left a part for the water-maker at home and were waiting for a replacement part. The part was supposed to have been sent on 12.26.18 but as of 1.3.2019 still has not arrived. New Year’s eve day in a final act of desperation, (I think he was sick of me commenting on the delay) Bob went through the boat again and found the original part. We had a wonderful New Years Eve pot luck dinner at the marina pool with David and Rhonda and our friends from "r" dock and then left on New Year’s day. But let me back up….

Jocelyn brought sparklers to the pot luck dinner. We loved it.

David and family arrived on Christmas and we spent a nice time with the entire family. Then the next day Jocelyn and Dee went off to Cayo Costa to anchor for a few days, and although we wanted to go, we couldn’t because Tina was going to come check out a rip in our Isinglass (window in the dodger) and hopefully fix it before we took off for the Bahamas. The Isinglass got fixed and we unexpectedly (at Dee’s suggestion) had a wonderful sail out to Cayo Costa with Steve and Janny on their 46 foot catamaran.

Sheila and Steve on the 46 foot Catamaran

Steve and Janny are from California and are going to have a charter service in the Bahamas – at least for a while – and enjoy sharing the luxury of their boat. We had a great sail and then Dee came over in their dinghy and took us to their 40 foot Mainship for drinks and snacks. I now understand why people say the best thing is to have friends who have a boat – I felt so pampered. Around 4:30 we headed back on the Trawler "Tender" to Burnt Store.

Jocelyn and Dee aboard Tender.

We have explored some great restaurants(Celtic Ray, TT Tiki bar at the Sheraton) , got lots of boat projects done, provisioned at Costco, spent time with great people and are now ready for the next adventure.

A toast at the TT Tiki Bar

The TT Tiki bar is located in between the bridges going from Punta Gorda to Port Charlotte. A beautiful sight at night

Our sendoff was one I will remember for a long time. David and Rhonda came down to the marina and our friends gathered on the dock for pictures. The boat horns were blowing as we left the dock. Jocelyn took a great video of it and I will try to post it.

R Dock group - Jerry, Jocelyn, Sheila, Janny, Bob Steve and Dee. Janny is holding Gracie who decided to put her paws on my head.

We motored down the ICW to Sanibel and are anchored in Ding Darling Anchorage (a large nature preserve). As I sat on the cabin top last night with drink and book in hand and a beautiful sunset off the stern of the boat, I was awash in gratitude. There are many people that have helped to make this trip possible and I am grateful to each of you. I am grateful to Bob for having this dream. I know it is trite but all I can say is life is short. Grab the moments you can and enjoy them to the fullest. Sunset last night was one of those moments I wish I could bag it and take it out later when needed.

More to come......

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